
osup is a command line program managing system upgrades of vpsAdminOS. osup handles upgrades and downgrades of osctl-managed data stored on ZFS pools. This includes editing container/user/group configuration files, ZFS datasets and other assets when some backward-incompatible change is introduced in osctld.

osup is run by osctld when it import pools to ensure that the current version of osctld is compatible with the data pools.


Migrations are the cornerstone of osup. Migrations are used to upgrade the pool to a newer state, or rollback to an older state. Migrations are stored as directories in migrations/:

└── <timestamp>-<name>
    ├── spec.yml
    ├── up.rb
    └── down.rb

Each migration is identified by a timestamp: YYYYMMDDHHIISS, followed by a dasherized name describing the migration. The migration is further described in spec.yml, see below for its contents. up.rb is called for upgrade and down.rb for downgrade.


spec.yml is a file formatted in YAML:

# Optional name, shown in `osup status`
name: i am a migration

description: |
  multiline string describing what
  the migration actually does

# Migrations can work on different parts of the pool. `snapshot` tells `osup`
# what datasets should be snapshot. Snapshots are used in case a migration fails
# to upgrade or rollback.
 - conf
 - log
 - hook

# If the migration does not need the pool exported from osctld
# export_pool: false

# Use when the pool has to be exported from osctld, but the containers do not
# have to be restarted
# stop_containers: false

up.rb, down.rb

up.rb and down.rb are Ruby scripts used to upgrade and rollback the migration. These scripts can use whatever dependencies osup has. Each migration should be tailored to the pool version it is supposed to work on. Don't use functions whose behaviour can change over time based on other migrations. Global variables:

  • $MIGRATION_ID - ID of the migration
  • $POOL - name of the ZFS pool to migrate
  • $DATASET - osctl root dataset on $POOL